Value Windows & Doors Inc.
Offers dealers a discount for using A+W iQuote
“A+W Software is the brains of the company,” according to Liam Yang, R&D and Supply Chain Manager at Value Windows and Doors based in Duarte, California. With A+W software solutions acting as the “brains of the company,” Value Windows & Doors was able to navigate and thrive during the uncertainty and constant flux of 2020/2021, according to Liam. “Even during the pandemic we had the best year (2020) because of A+W software.”
With this goal in mind, Jason, says, “choosing A+W Software was really a no brainer because the interaction and handshake between A+W Clarity (flat glass software) and A+W Cantor (window and door software) is extremely smooth. It is all very seamless.”
The integration of A+W Clarity and A+W Cantor allows Value Windows & Doors to enhance their positions as “one of the leading edge suppliers for windows and doors in the fast-paced Los Angeles market,” according to Jason. Bryan Wang, plant manager in Duarte, California, informs us that “without A+W Software, we would be wasting double or triple our materials. So, that helps us a lot in our material savings. This also saves us time.”
Jason echoes this sentiment when he describes how the movement of glass “from cutting to assembly happens smoothly and effortlessly because A+W Clarity and A+W Cantor are so well integrated.” This integration allows the team at Value Windows & Doors to prepare for the future and meet any challenges, such as constant supply chain disruptions most companies are facing in 2021 and possibly beyond.
Let’s take a look at the first step in the process, A+W iQuote. “In order entry and the sales department, we use A+W iQuote. Our dealers, fabricators, and contractors can (enter) their own orders through A+W iQuote. The order goes to the production facility directly. It is just as easy as shopping on Amazon,” according to Liam. By allowing the dealers, fabricators, and contractors to order online, the team at Value Windows & Doors is able to reduce the time from ordering to delivery/installation.

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Flexibility stretches throughout all facilities, according to Jason. ”By scanning a barcode, we know exactly where (a piece of glass, window, or door) is or where it has been. We also know how long it has been at a particular station.” Barcoding also allows us to “understand our inventory needs very well. We are able to take that forecast and communicate it with our suppliers ahead of time.” For example, as Liam points out, “if we have a shortage of a material, the system will raise a red flag.” At which point, the system will order extra materials, which ties back into an early statement by Bryan Wang. Each step in the system allows Value Windows & Doors to minimize waste, thus saving time and money.
Speaking of the future, Jason and his team have a lot of dreams about their company and its direction! “I see our company moving and expanding our geographic footprint. Part of the benefit of A+W Software is that when you (expand) to a new location, all of the master data set up for our business process are pre-built. So, there is no reason to reinvent the wheel. The A+W software will guide any new potential operation forward rather than having to start from scratch. Software, at the end of the day, is the core to everything we are! It has been an enabler for all of our visions and dreams as well as what we want. It helped us accomplish it a lot faster than we anticipated.”